
Krystina Martinez

Krystina Martinez is a writer on Zapier's content marketing team, based in Dallas, Texas. When she's not working, you can find her sewing, exercising, or watching anime and gymnastics.

Krystina Martinez

Krystina's articles

Most recent articles

Automate your work with Zapier

More from Krystina

Product news

New: Automate campaign tracking with LinkedIn Conversions

Measure the offline impact of your online ads (for free) with our new LinkedIn Conversions integration.

By Krystina Martinez

2 min read

Hero image for automation inspiration with the Airtable logo connected by dots to the logos of Google Sheets, Wordpress, and Google Contacts

Automation inspiration

8 Airtable automation ideas

If you love Airtable but hate entering data, Zapier can help you track information from other apps automatically.

By Krystina Martinez

5 min read

Partner case studies

How tl;dv increased user upgrades with Zapier

It's much faster to collaborate with your team and close sales deals on a video call.

By Krystina Martinez

2 min read

Platform tips

Introducing our partner embed gallery: See ROI in action

Explore our new partner gallery and see how Zapier partners embed their integrations to accelerate growth.

By Krystina Martinez

1 min read

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A Zap with the trigger 'When I get a new lead from Facebook,' and the action 'Notify my team in Slack'